Our Mission
“We aim to be a person-centered organization
to coordinate care to promote optimal
physical and mental health”
Our Vision
“To link resources and those in need to
close gaps inSocial Determinants of Health.”
Our Goal
“Our goal is to support individuals
through the community and link them
to vital resources to build foundations
for the future”
Happy people embracing each other after successful group meeting in rehab

Our Story

With our collective experience we noticed fragmentation in care within our respective fields.

With COVID making this divide greater, we jump started our plans to bridge care.

Therefore, we formed Care2Link with our mission and vision in mind.

Focus Our Story to the Community

“A Nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but it's lowest ones.” -

Nelson Mandela

How do we re-integrate distressed populations into the community?Specifically, homeless and veterans

First with housing!

Resources have to be sustainable in any environment and able to handle stressors. Think of it as an ecosystem to support people.

Provide care for them not to them especially in times of crisis.